North Intermediate School
Grades 4-5 |
Principal: Dr. Diane Carreiro |
320 Salem Street |
Wilmington, MA 01887 |
978.694.6040 |
School Hours: 9:05 a.m. to 3:25 p.m. |
Early Dismissal Time: 12:20 p.m. |
Office Personnel:
Dr. Diane Carreiro, Principal
Ms. Brenda Mangan, Administrative Assistant
Ms. Christine Minihane, School Nurse
Lunch: (checks to be applied to your child’s food service account should be made payable to: Wilmington School Food Services
Lunch, Including Milk — FREE (additional lunch $2.75)
Milk, Water or Juice Only — $ .60
Dessert Only — $ .50 - $1.00
Safety Information:
- All visitors should park in the rear of the school parking lot and should enter the building via the front door and must sign in at the office.
- All visitors must wear a “Visitor Pass”, which is obtained at the office.
- Please call in any absences, illnesses, etc. to the office.
- Any change in transportation must be sent to the classroom teacher in writing only. We cannot accept emails and/or phone calls for these changes. Notes can be faxed, dropped off or scanned and emailed to the school.
- Update emergency information with school administrative assistant when necessary.
- Talk with your child about school and bus safety rules.
- Listen to your child’s concerns and answer honestly but confidently.
- Encourage your child to ride the bus, even if you need to follow the bus in your car for the first day or so.
- Keep the teacher and school informed of information you feel is important for us to know.
- Call if you have questions or concerns, rather than guess and/or worry.