Family Info

Family Information

Homework Policy


The purposes of homework include the following: to enhance students’ achievement; to help students become self-directed, responsible, and independent learners; and to communicate with families about what is happening in the classroom. Homework is a shared responsibility among the student, teacher, and family.

Parents can expect homework to be

  • Planned and well organized by the teacher.
  • Consistent with the needs and abilities of students.
  • Purposeful to students.
  • Reviewed with feedback given to students in a timely manner.

Homework may be assigned to be completed outside of the school day for

  • Practice and Review – to help students consolidate and master specific content, skills, and processes which have been presented in class.
  • Preparation -to help students gain the maximum benefits from future lessons.
  • Extension – to provide students with opportunities to transfer specific processes or concepts to new situations.
  • Creativity – to require students to integrate many concepts, skills, and processes in order to produce original responses.

Supporting Research

Research strongly supports the following

  • A reasonable amount of study and preparation outside of class time is necessary for the scholastic growth of students.
  • The amount of homework should increase as the child progresses through the grades.
  • Student achievement rises significantly when teachers regularly assign homework and students conscientiously do it.
  • Homework teaches students to be self-directed, independent learners.
  • Homework helps students to develop good work habits.
  • Homework helps students to learn to budget time effectively.
  • Homework gives students experience in following directions, making judgments and comparisons, raising additional questions for study, and developing responsibility and self-discipline.
  • Assignments should be individualized and clearly defined.
  • Assignments should provide an opportunity for imagination and creativity.
  • Feedback to students is essential for homework to be of value.
  • Homework expectations should be clearly outlined and communicated to students and families.

Administrative Responsibilities

The school administrator will

  • Ensure that the teaching staff is adhering to the homework policy.
  • Review the established homework policy with the teaching staff.
  • Develop specific grade level and subject matter guidelines within the framework of the general policy where needed.
  • Provide professional development workshops and/or informational materials for the teaching staff.
  • Communicate the policy to parents and the community.

Teacher Responsibilities

The classroom teacher will

  • Set out homework expectations early in the school year and implement them consistently.
  • Carefully plan and organize homework assignments in accordance with time and length guidelines.
  • Implement a routine, consistent system for assigning homework.
  • Assign homework congruent with students’ needs.
  • Make clear in assigning homework to students the purposes of the assignment, the guidelines for completion, and the basis for evaluating the work performed.
  • Monitor and check for student understanding of the assignment and the skills necessary to successfully complete the homework.
  • Provide students with rubrics that will be the basis of evaluation for long-term projects, reports, and research.
  • Collect homework assignments on the date specified.
  • Review, acknowledge, and return homework within one or two days for daily assignments.
  • Be consistent about how homework assignments are assessed.
  • Assess homework through the use of rating scales, checklists, anecdotal records, and scoring rubrics that identify specific criteria for success.
  • Utilize homework to locate problems in student progress and to individualize instruction.
  • Confer with families regarding concerns as they arise.
  • Work with colleagues to develop a consistent pattern for homework expectations between and across grade levels, disciplines and courses, and work to coordinate assignments across disciplines.

Family Responsibilities

Families will

  • Provide encouragement and support; show interest in their children’s work.
  • Assist students in developing good study habits by providing a comfortable, well-lit area free from distractions.
  • Provide supplies needed to complete homework assignments.
  • Evaluate their children’s activities to be sure they have sufficient time to study and participate in family or outside activities.
  • Schedule a regular time for homework completion. Question students about their assignments. Monitor homework completion and the efficient use of time.
  • Encourage students to complete their own homework independently, unless otherwise specified.
  • Confer with teachers regarding homework concerns.
  • Review teacher comments on homework assignments. Supervise the signing and returning of homework forms, notes, and schedules as required by the teacher.
  • Acknowledge responsible homework habits and effort.

Student Responsibilities

The student will

  • Understand homework assignment before leaving school.
  • Have a routine location and system to record daily assignments (e.g., planner, assignment book).
  • Take home all necessary materials to complete assignments.
  • Schedule and organize homework time that is free from distraction and compatible with family and/or after-school activities.
  • Complete and return homework on time.
  • Confer with teachers regarding homework concerns.

Time Length per Day

The following suggested times for daily homework are guidelines to be generally followed. Individual students may require less or more time for assignments. If students are consistently spending significantly longer on assignments, families should consult with the teacher(s).

Kindergarten Occasional assignments
Grade 1 15 minutes (Mon. – Thurs.)
Grade 2 30 minutes (Mon. – Thurs.)
Grade 3 30-45 minutes (Mon. – Thurs.)
Grade 4 45-60 minutes (4 times per week)
Grade 5 60-75 minutes (4 times per week)
Grade 6, 7 & 8 75-120 minutes
Grades 9-12 90-180 minutes with an average of 30 minutes per course

These guidelines are appropriate for daily assignments. Homework may also involve long-term projects, products, or performances that serve as a demonstration of student learning. Long-term assignments should be made well in advance of the due date and should include incremental checkpoints or benchmarks to help students complete them successfully.

Summer Reading Program

Summer reading programs at all levels are designed to help students maintain and extend literacy skills over the extended school break. The elementary (K-5) program is a voluntary, incentive program. Required summer reading at the middle and high school levels complements the curriculum and will contribute to the first quarter language arts grade.